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Monthly Archives: April 2006

On Distant Shores

ARCO El ESPINO–Somewhere, far to the south, the Pacific crashes ashore onto black sands. Underneath long roofs of thatch supported by lashed poles old men lie in rows of hammocks and stare out to sea. On the beach your feet sink into the fine sand, driven deeper each time the surf recedes and after so […]

Gringo Poking and Oher Sports

SAN SALVADOR–We sat at the hotel Via Real, half watching television and talking about the day when it occured to both Katy and me that we might be becoming slightly jaded. We concurred that, by all accounts it had been a strange day yet neither of us were feeling that much of the cognitive dissonance […]

In El Salvador

AHUACHAPAN–The vultures circle. The vultures circle. The vultures circle in the pale sky above the baked and beaten earth and the twistd limbs of the jocote trees and their meager harvest. The vultures circle over this narrow isthmus connecting two great continents. It is almost all mountains and canyons here, wrinkled and jagged as if […]

NEVERNEVERLANDIA–In the Central Park of Antigua, Guatemala the blossoms fall from trees like a soft purple rain. You sit on a bench and watch water spurt from the perfect stone breasts of the fountain statues, watch the Mayan women in their fantasically colored native dress, watch the shoeshine boys chase customers and chase each other […]

Paradise Lost

UTILA–The morning light was pink-tinged grey and the moon that had been full a few nights before still hung half-lit in the sky. We walked down the island´s main street, quiet still at this early hour, free of the bikes and scooters, ATVs and pedestrians that would fill it later. We walked to the dock […]