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Monthly Archives: December 2007

New Year’s Eve 2008 (What the hell else are you going to call it?)

LUND–The day, New Years Eve day in Sweden, broke blue and light. The sun had not been out like that in over 60 days and the grey had become intolerable. We lay in bed on the morning before the new year and saw the strange blue light come past the cloaking blinds. And we went […]

Dinner at Pelikan

LUND — I was lying sick in a hotel room in San Salvador medicating myself with liquids, Cipro and television. I don’t have a television at home and find myself exposed to its weirdness in places that accentuate the strangeness of the medium. I found that the TV often contains odd corollaries to actual life […]

Off to See the Wizard

LUND — We were driving through the Scanian countryside and I saw something odd to my American eyes, it isn’t important what, and I turned to Lena and said, “Dorothy, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” “Is this not like Kansas?” she asked matter-of-factly. As a credit to her non-jealous nature she didn’t even […]