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Monthly Archives: August 2014

Bob Kendrick’s ABC 6 News, TV news piece on “The Riches of Central America”

ABC 6 News Anchor Bob Kendrick, interviewed me last month about the exhibit at the McConnell Art Center. Kendrick is an interesting and talented guy and I am grateful to him for the coverage and the time and work he put into this piece. Follow this link to see the news spot on YouTube!

Press From the Central American Exhibit at the MAC: Columbus Dispatch and Columbus Alive

The Long Central American Goodbye: Talk from the McConnell Art Center

Almost from the beginning of my forays into Central America I conceived of them as being part of one long, extended journey. If I look back at the long (and growing) procession of identical black journals that hold my notes, lists, thoughts, and dreams I can see, nearly 15 years ago, the plan laid out […]