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Category Archives: Chachapoyas

Una broma de Piratas

PANAJACHEL– El bartender estaba limpiando su bar, cuando escucho unos pasos. El levantando la vista veía entrando un pirata. Entonces, el pirata le hablaba diciendo dame un ron. El tienen aspecto muy bravo y muy falo pero despues de dos copas de ron, el pirata ya se encontraba tranquilo. Entonces el bartender le pregunta, “Si […]

The Sarcophagi of Karajia–A Panic Over Tickets–Thanksgiving Dinner On The Night Bus And A Confusing Early Morning Arrival in Chiclayo

CHICLAYO, LAMBAYEQUE, PERU–After the caverns of Quiocta we descended to a pleasant lunch and were soon climbing back into higher mountains on our way to see the sarcophagi of Karajia. These nine-foot-tall anthropomorphic containers hold the remains of Chachapoyan royalty and date to around 800 B.C. They rest on a ledge, far up a cliff, […]

The Caverns of Quiocta

25 November 2010 AMAZONES, PERU–It was Thanksgiving Day, our first Thanksgiving together, and our last day in Chachapoyas. We had half-jokingly planned to celebrate the date with a feast of roast guinea pig and pisco sours but if we were going to see more Chachapoyan archeological sites we had to maximize our time. We needed […]

The Mausoleums of Revash

24 November 2010 REVASH, AMAZONES, PERU–Morning came too early. After two days of hiking we were sore and during the night we found our new hotel was on the path home for night-club revelers. The acoustics of the street funneled the sound directly into our room and it sounded much like drunken apes at the […]

The Waterfall of Gocta

23 November 2010 GOCTA, AMAZONES, PERU–From miles away you can see the cataract falling in a thin, silvery stream. The line bisects green jungle and is in two stages, falling to one shelf and then, much farther, to a base that cannot be seen until right upon it. In order to get right upon it […]

Kuelap: Mountain Fortress of the Chachapoyans

22 November 2010 KUELAP–When Hiram Bingham became the first scientific  discoverer of Machu Pichu he and the world thought he had discovered the lost city of Vilcapampa, the last redoubt of the Incas where they retreated to under Manco Inca and fought a long and bitter guerilla war against the Spanish. Manco Inca was murdered […]