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Category Archives: IPhone5S


In the Bazaar

MUMBAI—At the risk of offending Edward Said, I will describe the famed Chor Bazaar. It is in a Muslim quarter of old Bombay, its narrow lanes caked with the accumulation of Bombay’s years and history, despite daily sweeping, one darkly glittering storefront after another, whose jumble of wares, all the amazing, exotic junk and treasure […]

Out of the City

MUMBAI—I had been too long in Mumbai. I had been too long with only the banyan trees of the city with their long tentacle roots for a taste of nature, the only horizon the Arabian Sea rolling in at the edge of the metropolis. But then one person introduced me to someone who introduced me to […]

On The Streets of Mumbai

Shades of Brown and Dust

JUAREZ, MEXICO and EL PASO, TEXAS–On each of my trips over the last few years I have used the iPhone (first the 5 and now the 5S) as a companion to whatever cameras I am working with. The iPhone has, essentially, taken the place of a point and shoot in my gear lineup and is […]