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Category Archives: Ohio

Ohio Pandemic Home Leave Blues


The Long Central American Goodbye: Talk from the McConnell Art Center

Almost from the beginning of my forays into Central America I conceived of them as being part of one long, extended journey. If I look back at the long (and growing) procession of identical black journals that hold my notes, lists, thoughts, and dreams I can see, nearly 15 years ago, the plan laid out […]

The Big Show

  COLUMBUS–I headed west. It was not heading west in the way that that resonates in my mind. Not back to the southwestern deserts of my coming of age and the places and people that helped set my path southward through Mexico and Central America. I headed west to Ohio. Suddenly our new home was […]

The Riches of Central America: The People, Customs and Culture

An exhibit nearly 15 years in the making will open June 5th at the McConnell Arts Center of Worthington (MAC). The photos in this show will include images from my very first trip to Honduras in 2000 to some never-before-seen images from my last assignment in Guatemala and El Salvador not quite two months ago. The […]

Video Interview on The Faces of Transcarpathia

This LINK will take you to the video produced by the Martin de Porres Center about the Faces of Transcarpathia exhibit.

Retro Camera Does Columbus

COLUMBUS–The following are some of a series of images from Columbus, Ohio taken with the Droid Incredible and Retro Camera from Urbian…

Retro Camera and “Man, Camera, Droid #1″… These ARE the Droids We’re Looking For!

COLUMBUS–I remember when I saw the first phone camera and how excited I was about the possibilities of a camera, even a low resolution one, that was always in one’s pocket and connected by its very nature to an ability to more or less instantly transmit those photos. We forget, as we do about all […]