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Category Archives: Panasonic GF1

Portraits of Grace, House of Hope

To see a digital preview and to buy the book Portraits of Grace, House of Hope, click on this link: ARLINGTON–I first saw Casa Esperanza in the fall of 2006. I spent no more than an hour there, on my way to somewhere else, but it remained etched in my memory. My thoughts would […]

The Riches of Central America: The People, Customs and Culture

An exhibit nearly 15 years in the making will open June 5th at the McConnell Arts Center of Worthington (MAC). The photos in this show will include images from my very first trip to Honduras in 2000 to some never-before-seen images from my last assignment in Guatemala and El Salvador not quite two months ago. The […]

Books From the West and the East of Honduras

It has been a busy year, and while there was a three week trip with Missionary Air Group into La Mosquitia, teaching, Scouting and having a beautiful baby boy named Henry, a huge part of the past year (or two) has been spent cataloging, archiving, scanning, collating, collecting, organizing, publishing and putting some of the […]

Puerto Lempira

  PUERTO LEMPIRA—We rose into the clear morning sky from the air-strip at Rus Rus and headed nearly due east. The Cessna was on a sort of Dr. Doolittle mission, taking a planeload of pets along on the supply run to be spayed and neutered by a visiting missionary veterinarian. Puerto Lempira is a place […]

A Photographic Survey of the Lake Atitlan Towns

    COLUMBUS, OHIO–Ever since I first laid eyes on the blue expanse of Lake Atitlan, I have wondered about the towns surrounding her shores. Little by little I explored them over the years, mostly haphazardly, leaving many unseen. If I were to go back and look through my old journals I know I would […]

On the Campaign Trail With Enrique Rodriguez

GUATEMALA CITY—We came down out of the mountains, down the curves and switchbacks on the outside of Lake Atitlan’s caldera, dropping out of the highland fog into the thick night of Guatemala’s subtropical rainforest. Tall trees, dripping water, lined the road. It was late and the Central American night was unrelieved by light pollution so […]

Holy Week in Santiago: In Which I Explore the Largest Town on Lake Atitlan, Photograph Processions Both Catholic and Pagan and End up in the House of Maximon at Night.

PANAJACHEL—I stepped off the boat onto the floating dock at Santiago and clapped my wide-brimmed Panama hat tightly onto my head. I slung the light NorthFace Recon pack over one shoulder and the Domke F3X camera bag over the other and began the uphill hike up the main street to Hotel Ratzan. To my right was […]

Atitlan Blues

SANTA CRUZ LA LAGUNA, GUATEMALA—The water has risen by three meters. The docks around Lake Atitlan, in the Guatemalan Highlands, are awash. Patios and staircases and beaches are underwater. They say the average rainfall is around 50 inches and last year saw 75 inches. The lake has no outlet.  There are slippery boardwalks where once […]

The Long Chiclayo Day

26 November 2010 CHICLAYO, LAMBAYEQUE, PERU–We walked down a crowded, hectic, loud and hot street, dodging and weaving our way between people and I turned to my wife and said, “I like Chiclayo…” It was around noon. We had slept through the morning and Kristina had decided to take a dose of Cipro to knock […]

The Sarcophagi of Karajia–A Panic Over Tickets–Thanksgiving Dinner On The Night Bus And A Confusing Early Morning Arrival in Chiclayo

CHICLAYO, LAMBAYEQUE, PERU–After the caverns of Quiocta we descended to a pleasant lunch and were soon climbing back into higher mountains on our way to see the sarcophagi of Karajia. These nine-foot-tall anthropomorphic containers hold the remains of Chachapoyan royalty and date to around 800 B.C. They rest on a ledge, far up a cliff, […]