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Category Archives: Rus Rus

The Big Show

  COLUMBUS–I headed west. It was not heading west in the way that that resonates in my mind. Not back to the southwestern deserts of my coming of age and the places and people that helped set my path southward through Mexico and Central America. I headed west to Ohio. Suddenly our new home was […]

The Riches of Central America: The People, Customs and Culture

An exhibit nearly 15 years in the making will open June 5th at the McConnell Arts Center of Worthington (MAC). The photos in this show will include images from my very first trip to Honduras in 2000 to some never-before-seen images from my last assignment in Guatemala and El Salvador not quite two months ago. The […]

Books From the West and the East of Honduras

It has been a busy year, and while there was a three week trip with Missionary Air Group into La Mosquitia, teaching, Scouting and having a beautiful baby boy named Henry, a huge part of the past year (or two) has been spent cataloging, archiving, scanning, collating, collecting, organizing, publishing and putting some of the […]

Notes from La Miskitia

Oct 14–All my bags are packed, as the song goes, and I am ready to go. So, Station O. H. I. O., signing off. Hondo here I come. • Leave CMH at 0600. I will meet the team from Missionary Air Group in Atlanta and then on to San Pedro Sula. There we won’t even […]

Three Planes to Rus Rus

RUS RUS, La Miskitia, Honduras—On my first trip to Honduras, more than 12 years ago, we were on another plane full of missionaries and Hondurans returning home. As the jet banked to descend into San Pedro Sula there were thatched huts and fields of palms and a river dark with red silt curving over the […]