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Tag Archives: Amazones

The Mausoleums of Revash

24 November 2010 REVASH, AMAZONES, PERU–Morning came too early. After two days of hiking we were sore and during the night we found our new hotel was on the path home for night-club revelers. The acoustics of the street funneled the sound directly into our room and it sounded much like drunken apes at the […]

The Waterfall of Gocta

23 November 2010 GOCTA, AMAZONES, PERU–From miles away you can see the cataract falling in a thin, silvery stream. The line bisects green jungle and is in two stages, falling to one shelf and then, much farther, to a base that cannot be seen until right upon it. In order to get right upon it […]

Photos of Chachapoyas

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS–We arrived in Chachapoyas and tried several hotels before we found a free room. When we rounded a corner and entered the main square we found out why. Chachapoyas, with a population of a little over 20,000, is the capitol of the Amazones region and the day we arrived the city was […]

Can You Tell Me How to Get, How to Get to Chachapoyas Street???

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS—The previous evening we had been solicited for cabs several times while walking the few blocks from the bus station to Hotel Casablanca. We knew we needed to find a cab or collectivo (nothing more than a shared cab to offset the cost of a trip) to take us on to Chachapoyas […]

Tarapoto: on the Edge of the Amazon

19 February 2010 TARAPOTO—The screen on the back of the shows a plane tracing a line, shows our progress from Lima towards the Amazonian city of Tarapoto. It is, necessarily, much more modern and less Romantic than a DC3 or a Fokker Tri-Motor but doesn’t change the essential fact that we are flying over the […]