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Tag Archives: Leica M6ttl

The Long Central American Goodbye Part II: Bienvenido a Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY — There may be no place in the world more familiar to me than where I am now, here, back in Central America.  At this point I have lived abroad longer than in my hometown (at least in recent years) and anyway, my hometown isn’t my hometown. I first came to Central America, […]

Faces of Transcarpathia Write up on “La Vida Leica”

La Vida Leica is one of the premier sites dealing with all manner of things involving the German cameras. The entire photo essay The Faces of Transcarpathia was shot with a Leica M6ttl and La Vida Leica picked up on this from the Columbus Dispatch article. Follow this LINK to see the website!

“The Faces of Transcarpathia” Exhibit at the Martin de Porres Center

Images From My First Trip to Atitlan


Holy Week in Santiago: In Which I Explore the Largest Town on Lake Atitlan, Photograph Processions Both Catholic and Pagan and End up in the House of Maximon at Night.

PANAJACHEL—I stepped off the boat onto the floating dock at Santiago and clapped my wide-brimmed Panama hat tightly onto my head. I slung the light NorthFace Recon pack over one shoulder and the Domke F3X camera bag over the other and began the uphill hike up the main street to Hotel Ratzan. To my right was […]

Cameras For Peru

COLUMBUS–I wonder when the sad day will be when I decide not to take a film camera. Happily, that day has not yet come. While trying to decide what equipment to take I was deeply conflicted. My primary camera is the outstanding Nikon D3 but the D3 has some serious drawbacks for traveling. First and […]