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Tag Archives: Nikon D800

Varanasi & Ganga Ma

  VARANASI — It is the black hours before dawn. The boat pushes out into the slow current. The ghats and towers of the ancient city are outlined in the light of dim electric bulbs and small fires. Those lights create a half circle of light over the river that fades into the black of […]

Ganpati Year Two

Monsoon Five Scenes

Books From the West and the East of Honduras

It has been a busy year, and while there was a three week trip with Missionary Air Group into La Mosquitia, teaching, Scouting and having a beautiful baby boy named Henry, a huge part of the past year (or two) has been spent cataloging, archiving, scanning, collating, collecting, organizing, publishing and putting some of the […]

Puerto Lempira

  PUERTO LEMPIRA—We rose into the clear morning sky from the air-strip at Rus Rus and headed nearly due east. The Cessna was on a sort of Dr. Doolittle mission, taking a planeload of pets along on the supply run to be spayed and neutered by a visiting missionary veterinarian. Puerto Lempira is a place […]