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Tag Archives: Panasonic GF1

Books From the West and the East of Honduras

It has been a busy year, and while there was a three week trip with Missionary Air Group into La Mosquitia, teaching, Scouting and having a beautiful baby boy named Henry, a huge part of the past year (or two) has been spent cataloging, archiving, scanning, collating, collecting, organizing, publishing and putting some of the […]

Puerto Lempira

  PUERTO LEMPIRA—We rose into the clear morning sky from the air-strip at Rus Rus and headed nearly due east. The Cessna was on a sort of Dr. Doolittle mission, taking a planeload of pets along on the supply run to be spayed and neutered by a visiting missionary veterinarian. Puerto Lempira is a place […]

Holy Week in Santiago: In Which I Explore the Largest Town on Lake Atitlan, Photograph Processions Both Catholic and Pagan and End up in the House of Maximon at Night.

PANAJACHEL—I stepped off the boat onto the floating dock at Santiago and clapped my wide-brimmed Panama hat tightly onto my head. I slung the light NorthFace Recon pack over one shoulder and the Domke F3X camera bag over the other and began the uphill hike up the main street to Hotel Ratzan. To my right was […]

The Long Chiclayo Day

26 November 2010 CHICLAYO, LAMBAYEQUE, PERU–We walked down a crowded, hectic, loud and hot street, dodging and weaving our way between people and I turned to my wife and said, “I like Chiclayo…” It was around noon. We had slept through the morning and Kristina had decided to take a dose of Cipro to knock […]

The Sarcophagi of Karajia–A Panic Over Tickets–Thanksgiving Dinner On The Night Bus And A Confusing Early Morning Arrival in Chiclayo

CHICLAYO, LAMBAYEQUE, PERU–After the caverns of Quiocta we descended to a pleasant lunch and were soon climbing back into higher mountains on our way to see the sarcophagi of Karajia. These nine-foot-tall anthropomorphic containers hold the remains of Chachapoyan royalty and date to around 800 B.C. They rest on a ledge, far up a cliff, […]

The Mausoleums of Revash

24 November 2010 REVASH, AMAZONES, PERU–Morning came too early. After two days of hiking we were sore and during the night we found our new hotel was on the path home for night-club revelers. The acoustics of the street funneled the sound directly into our room and it sounded much like drunken apes at the […]

The Waterfall of Gocta

23 November 2010 GOCTA, AMAZONES, PERU–From miles away you can see the cataract falling in a thin, silvery stream. The line bisects green jungle and is in two stages, falling to one shelf and then, much farther, to a base that cannot be seen until right upon it. In order to get right upon it […]

Kuelap: Mountain Fortress of the Chachapoyans

22 November 2010 KUELAP–When Hiram Bingham became the first scientific  discoverer of Machu Pichu he and the world thought he had discovered the lost city of Vilcapampa, the last redoubt of the Incas where they retreated to under Manco Inca and fought a long and bitter guerilla war against the Spanish. Manco Inca was murdered […]

Photos of Chachapoyas

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS–We arrived in Chachapoyas and tried several hotels before we found a free room. When we rounded a corner and entered the main square we found out why. Chachapoyas, with a population of a little over 20,000, is the capitol of the Amazones region and the day we arrived the city was […]

Can You Tell Me How to Get, How to Get to Chachapoyas Street???

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS—The previous evening we had been solicited for cabs several times while walking the few blocks from the bus station to Hotel Casablanca. We knew we needed to find a cab or collectivo (nothing more than a shared cab to offset the cost of a trip) to take us on to Chachapoyas […]