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Tag Archives: travel in Peru

The Mausoleums of Revash

24 November 2010 REVASH, AMAZONES, PERU–Morning came too early. After two days of hiking we were sore and during the night we found our new hotel was on the path home for night-club revelers. The acoustics of the street funneled the sound directly into our room and it sounded much like drunken apes at the […]

Can You Tell Me How to Get, How to Get to Chachapoyas Street???

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS—The previous evening we had been solicited for cabs several times while walking the few blocks from the bus station to Hotel Casablanca. We knew we needed to find a cab or collectivo (nothing more than a shared cab to offset the cost of a trip) to take us on to Chachapoyas […]

Leaving Tarapoto

21 November 2010 PEDRO RUIZ—We had hoped to be in the mountain city of Chachapoyas this evening but it was not to be. Despite the late night in Tarapoto we got up early, paid our bill and got a moto-taxi to the bus station before 0900. Unfortunately the bus for Pedro Ruiz—a way-station town where […]