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Tag Archives: travel

Diver Down

  Guatemala City — I remember my first time.  That first time sinking under the water and thinking, I can’t do this, I can’t breathe underwater, and on faith in the equipment taking that first breath. The dry air flowed through the regulator and filled my lungs.  I heard the hiss of the inhalation and […]

Trips That Didn’t Happen

GUATEMALA CITY—I wanted to call this essay, “Trips that Never Come to Pass,” or “Trips that Never Happened,” but that would presume to know the unknown. “Trips that were Postponed,” assumes they actually will happen and, “Trips that Were Postponed but Might or Might Not Happen, Who Knows Anything Anyway?” is just awkward.  My life […]

If You Can Make It Here… Mumbai, Mumbai.

MUMBAI—There comes a moment in every journey, in every move to a new place, when the strange becomes normal, when what was overwhelming bizarre becomes mostly unremarkable. It is a shift more sudden than gradual. It only seems gradual because it does take time and because the shift often passes unnoticed. What was outlandish one week […]

Photos of Chachapoyas

21 November 2010 CHACHAPOYAS–We arrived in Chachapoyas and tried several hotels before we found a free room. When we rounded a corner and entered the main square we found out why. Chachapoyas, with a population of a little over 20,000, is the capitol of the Amazones region and the day we arrived the city was […]